Mobile App

Revolutionizing App Development: The Exciting Rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

June 17, 2024

Explore how Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) combine the best of web and mobile app development experiences, offering reliability, speed, and user engagement. Learn why businesses are adopting PWAs to enhance custom app development performance and reach users even in low connectivity. Discover the core features and benefits of this cutting-edge approach to app development.

Today the main aim of businesses is to target customers on mobile devices as a number of smartphone users worldwide is expected to reach 2.7 billion by 2019. To improve user experience and user engagement, mobile app development companies started investing their time on the progressive web app (PWA).

In the digital era, most of the people are connected with the web through the internet and even cannot think the world without mobile apps. Therefore businesses which want to stand ahead left with only one choice i.e Progressive Web App (PWA) Platform. It’s the newest mobile app solution that combines the best elements of mobile sites and native apps while reducing their disadvantages. Let’s discuss in detail.

What is Progressive Web App Development?

Today Progressive Web Apps is a hot topic among mobile app developers because of its support for multiple platforms. Most of the trendsetters like Twitter, Starbucks, NASA, and more are working on PWA versions to engage their target audience.

PWA is a mobile app delivered through the web, it works like a native app, that allows app-style gestures and navigations. There is no need to download it from an app store because it run right in a web browser. One of the most important features of this app is that it loads instantly, even in areas of low connectivity.

RecentlyProgressive  Web App development services gained huge recognition when Apple announced Service Worker and Web Manifest support for Safari.

Why Businesses Need Progressive Web App?

The web is the biggest platform on the internet, yet users spend most of their time on native apps because it offers smooth experience and engagement. After keeping all these points in a mind, developers community launched Progressive Web App that’s the combination of Web and Native app, along with the immersive experience of native apps.

Mobile App Development Service Provider companies added features of native apps with Web to get the best of both.

What Makes Progressive Web App-Different!

When we talk about traditional mobile app development, there are certain limitations faced by mobile app developers. To deal with these limitations, developers started using PWA as it brings an app like features and functionalities to the website and does not require a customer to download an app. Other than this, there are various other factors which make Progressive Web Apps different from others i.e.

Reliability –

It provides interface even in poor internet connectivity. As a result, customers are become more connected and become more informed and empowered.

Fast –

It loads content instantly, and offer smooth experience to end users.

Engaging –

Progressive Web App provides an immersive user experience by giving the perfect app feel to the user. With the help of an app shell model, PWA separates the application functionality from application content and balance equally.

Up to Date –

Progressive Web App always stays up-to-date with the help of service worker which handles the overall update process of PWA mobile app development

Security & Discoverable –

Progressive Web App protect users from unauthorized access as it works with HTTPS. By transmogrify W3C manifest and Service worker, PWA’s addressed as a mobile application and effortlessly found by search engines.

Installable –

Allow a user to add apps to their home screen without facing any trouble in an app store.

Core Features Of Progressive Web App Development

Service Worker –

It’s a script that runs in the background separately from a web page by the browser. It also opens the door to features that don’t need a web page or user interaction. Currently, Service Worker include features like push notifications and background sync and will support other things like periodic sync or geofencing.

The capability of service workers to run separately in the background offers a lot of functionality to the mobile app even when it closed and provide a native app-like engaging experience. It also acts as a proxy between the server and mobile app that helps in making the application offline.


HTTPS is an extension of the HTTP for secure communication, encrypted using Transport Layer Security or Secure Sockets Layer. Though Progressive Web App Development is expected to be highly secure but service workers can intercept network requests and modify responses. There are many services which help you get your site an SSL certificate like LetsEncrypt and SSL for free.

Web App Manifest –

It uses JSON file that gives information about how the app-schema looks in the home screen, on the web, and so on. It can be also used to modify a theme color, icons for the home screen, and a splash screen.

JSON file gives an app the essence of native mobile application with all the icons, themes, and splash screens.

Push Notifications –

The server sends push notification to the service workers, which display it to the user. A user can receive notification even if an app is closed as service workers run independently as a background process. To implement this functionality mobile app developers can use Push API.

Background Sync –

Background Sync API send periodic updates to the server so that the mobile app can update when it’s online and makes sure all the messages are sent when there’s a good connection.

Summing Up

In the past few years, trend watchers have seen high bounce rates in the use of a website, because the web experience is not as smooth and optimal as the native app. The solution for both of these problems is Progressive Web Apps, which combine the best of the two worlds by giving the optimal user experience.

If you are looking for PWA Mobile App Development Services, we can help you with 360 degrees IT solutions as we have a team of experts which has completed hundreds of IT projects successfully. For more details contact us at Let us know how we can help you. Contact us at +1 (213) 257-8054 or

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